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Processors can be used to apply transformations to struct serialization and deserialization.

For instance, C++ usually uses snake_case, but JSON uses camelCase. One way to handle this is rfl::Rename, but a more automated way would be to use a processor:

struct Person {
    std::string first_name;
    std::string last_name;
    std::vector<Person> children;

const auto homer =
    Person{.first_name = "Homer",
           .last_name = "Simpson",
           .age = 45};

const auto json_string = 

const auto homer2 = 
  rfl::json::read<Person, rfl::SnakeCaseToCamelCase>(json_string).value();

The resulting JSON string looks like this:


Supported processors

reflect-cpp currently supports the following processors:

  • rfl::AddStructName
  • rfl::AddTagsToVariants
  • rfl::AllowRawPtrs
  • rfl::DefaultIfMissing
  • rfl::NoExtraFields
  • rfl::NoFieldNames
  • rfl::NoOptionals
  • rfl::UnderlyingEnums
  • rfl::SnakeCaseToCamelCase
  • rfl::SnakeCaseToPascalCase


It is also possible to add the struct name as an additional field, like this:

const auto json_string = 

const auto homer2 = 
  rfl::json::read<Person, rfl::AddStructName<"type">>(json_string).value();

The resulting JSON string looks like this:



This processor automatically adds tags to variants. Consider the following example:

struct button_pressed_t {};

struct button_released_t {};

struct key_pressed_t {
  char key;

using my_event_type_t =
    std::variant<button_pressed_t, button_released_t, key_pressed_t, int>;

The problem here is that button_pressed_t and button_released_t virtually look indistinguishable when they are serialized. The will both be serialized to {}.

But you can add this processor to automatically add tags and avoid the problem:

const auto vec = std::vector<my_event_type_t>(
  {button_pressed_t{}, button_released_t{}, key_pressed_t{'c'}, 3});

const auto json_string = rfl::json::write<rfl::AddTagsToVariants>(vec);

rfl::json::write<std::vector<my_event_type_t>, rfl::AddTagsToVariants>(json_string);

vec will now be serialized as follows:


You can also set your own custom tags like this:

struct key_pressed_t {
  using Tag = rfl::Literal<"your_custom_tag">;
  char key;

key_pressed_t will now be serialized as follows:


Note that there are other ways to address problems like this, for instance rfl::TaggedUnion. Please refer to the relevant sections of the documentation.


By default, reflect-cpp does not allow reading into raw pointers. (Writing from raw pointers is never a problem.) This is because reading into raw pointers means that the library will allocate memory that the user then has to manually delete. This can lead to misunderstandings and memory leaks.

You might want to consider using some alternatives, such as std::unique_ptr, rfl::Box, std::shared_ptr, rfl::Ref or std::optional. But if you absolutely have to use raw pointers, you can pass rfl::AllowRawPtrs to read:

struct Person {
  rfl::Rename<"firstName", std::string> first_name;
  rfl::Rename<"lastName", std::string> last_name = "Simpson";
  std::vector<Person>* children;`

const auto person =
  rfl::json::read<Person, rfl::AllowRawPtrs>(json_str);

However, you must keep in mind that it is now YOUR responsibility to clean up. Otherwise, there WILL be a memory leak.

void delete_raw_pointers(const Person& _person) {
    if (!_person.children) {
    for (const auto& child: _person.children) {
    delete _person.children;



The rfl::DefaultIfMissing processor is only relevant for reading data. For writing data, it will make no difference.

Usually, when fields are missing in the input data, this will lead to an error (unless they are optional fields). But if you pass the rfl::DefaultIfMissing processor, then missing fields will be replaced by their default value.

For instance, consider the following struct:

struct Person {
  std::string first_name;
  std::string last_name = "Simpson";
  std::string town;

Suppose you are reading a JSON like this:

rfl::json::read<Person, rfl::DefaultIfMissing>(json_string);

Then the resulting struct will be equivalent to what you would have gotten had you read the following JSON string:


last_name and town have been replaced by the default values. Because you have not passed a default value to town, the default value of the type is used instead.


When reading an object and the object contains a field that cannot be matched to any of the fields in the struct, that field is simply ignored.

However, when rfl::NoExtraFields is added to read, then such extra fields will lead to an error.

This can be overriden by adding rfl::ExtraFields to the struct.


struct Person {
  std::string first_name;
  std::string last_name = "Simpson";

If you call rfl::json::read<Person>(json_string), then extra_field will simply be ignored.

But if you call rfl::json::read<Person, rfl::NoExtraFields>(json_string), you will get an error.

However, suppose the struct looked like this:

struct Person {
  std::string first_name;
  std::string last_name = "Simpson";
  rfl::ExtraFields<int> extras;

In this case, rfl::json::read<Person, rfl::NoExtraFields>(json_string) will not fail, because extra_field would be included in extras.


We can also remove the field names altogether:

const auto json_string = 

const auto homer2 = 
  rfl::json::read<Person, rfl::NoFieldNames>(json_string).value();

The resulting JSON string looks like this:


This is particularly relevant for binary formats, which do not emphasize readability, like msgpack or flexbuffers. Removing the field names can reduce the size of the resulting bytestrings and significantly speed up read and write time, depending on the dataset.

However, it makes it more difficult to maintain backwards compatability.

Note that rfl::NoFieldNames is not supported for BSON, TOML, XML, or YAML, due to limitations of these formats.


As we have seen in the section on optional fields, when a std::optional is std::nullopt, it is usually not written at all. But if you want them to be explicitly written as null, you can use this processor. The same thing applies to std::shared_ptr and std::unique_ptr.

struct Person {
  std::string first_name;
  std::string last_name = "Simpson";
  std::optional<std::string> town = std::nullopt;

const auto homer = Person{.first_name = "Homer"};


The resulting JSON string looks like this:


By default, rfl::json::read will accept both "town":null and just leaving out the field town. However, if you want to require the field town to be included, you can add rfl::NoOptionals to read:

rfl::json::read<Person, rfl::NoOptionals>(json_string);


By passing the processor rfl::UnderlyingEnums, fields of the enum type will be written and read as integers

enum class Color { red, green, blue, yellow };

struct Circle {
  float radius;
  Color color;

const auto circle = Circle{.radius = 2.0, .color = Color::green};


The resulting JSON string looks like this:



Please refer to the example above.


If you want PascalCase instead of camelCase, you can use the appropriate processor:

const auto json_string = 

const auto homer2 = 
  rfl::json::read<Person, rfl::SnakeCaseToPascalCase>(json_string).value();

The resulting JSON string looks like this:


Combining several processors

You can combine several processors:

const auto json_string = 
  rfl::json::write<rfl::SnakeCaseToCamelCase, rfl::AddStructName<"type">>(homer);

const auto homer2 = 
  rfl::json::read<Person, rfl::SnakeCaseToCamelCase, rfl::AddStructName<"type">>(json_string).value();

The resulting JSON string looks like this:


When you have several processors, it is probably more convenient to combine them like this:

using Processors = rfl::Processors<
    rfl::SnakeCaseToCamelCase, rfl::AddStructName<"type">>;

const auto json_string = rfl::json::write<Processors>(homer);

const auto homer2 = rfl::json::read<Person, Processors>(json_string).value();

The resulting JSON string looks like this:


Writing your own processors

In principle, writing your own processors is not very difficult. You need to define a struct, which takes has a static method called process taking a named tuple as an input and then returning a modified named tuple. The process method should accept the type of the original struct as a template parameter.

struct MyOwnProcessor {
  template <class StructType>
  static auto process(auto&& _named_tuple) {...}